Gísli Elíasson fv. verksmiðjustjóri SREggert Theódórsson fv. lagestjóri SRÓkunn blómarós hjá SRStrákagöng við SiglufjörðFrá vígslu KFS 1966Togarinn Hafliði og GoðinnHaförninn "fastur í ís"

Frumkvöðlar Eggert Th. Eldur - Nero Sýningamenn ofl. Snobb - Otello Heimsmetabókin Placido Domingo Dyravarða-raunir Viðtal: Fréttablað... Non-Stop New York Merkileg bréf

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Kvikmyndin NON-STOP NEW YORK  er mé nokkuð minnisstæð, þar sem þetta var fyrsta kvikmyndin sem ég sýndi einn og "yfirgefin" þá 14 ára gamall. (myndin var bönnuð börnum innan 16 ára)


 Myndin var gerð árið 1937 af ensku fyrirtæki. Þetta er hörku spennandi dramatísk kvikmynd. hálfgerður vísindaskáldskapur, sem gerist að miklu leiti, um borð í flugvél.

Þessi kvikmynd gekk í mörg ár út um allan heim þar meðtalið Ísland, en myndin var frumsýnd í Nýja Bíó á Siglufirði í desember árið 1948. Myndin mun enn fáanleg á myndbandsspólu, frá Bandaríkjunum.

Myndin var tekin á "svarthvíta" filmu, eins og allar myndir þeirra tíma, því kvikmynda-litfilmur,  voru ekki komnar á markað þá.

Þó voru "plaggötin" sem fylgdu myndunum oftast lituð, eins og til dæmis myndin af "plaggatinu" hér fyrir neðan, frá myndinni NON-STOP NEW YORK sýnir.

Ensk umsögn um myndina er hér fyrir neðan.

Non-Stop New York (1937)

Penniless dancer Jennie Carr gets a helping hand from a New York lawyer, but he is murdered by gangsters. She is the only one who can identify the killers, but she knows nothing about it. On the boat home she is framed for theft and it's only when she gets out of jail that she realises what has happened, and that an innocent man is due to be executed for the murder. Will anyone believe her story, and can she get to New York before the death sentence is carried out? 

Anna Lee, as Jennie, makes an agreeably sparky heroine. Some of the scenes show up the limitations of her acting, but she looks so fabulous and has so much energy that it really doesn't matter. John Loder, as Scotland Yard Man and Handsome Hero does remarkably well. He's a great lump of granite in most of his films, but here shows glimmers of the sense of humour that made him so popular with his fellow actors.

The first half of the film is rather plot-bound. But once Jennie is on her way to New York the script takes off. She sneaks aboard a transatlantic flight and her fellow passengers bicker and banter wonderfully until the inevitable catastrophe. 

Technically speaking, Non-Stop New York is Science Fiction. It's set in the near future (New Year's Eve 1939) though little has changed apart from the possibility of transatlantic flight. The film imagines life on board a plane to be similar to the great transatlantic liners of the period, and not at all like the cattle trucks of modern day flight. The plane is charming and comes complete with that most essential of aeronautical features - the outside balcony! It's a little windy, but perfect for romantic trysts or attempted murder. 

Non-Stop New York is really a variation on such classic train movies as Rome Express and as such works very well.

Script adapt.: Kurt Siodmak, Roland Pertwee, J.O.C. Orton, Derek Twist. (o.a. Ken Attiwill)

Director: Robert Stephenson

Players: Francis L. Sullivan, Frank Cellier, Desmond Tester, William Dewhurst, James Pirrie, Drusilla Wills, Jerry Verno, Athene Seyler, Ellen Pollock, Arthur Goullet, Peter Bull, Tony Quinn, Danny Green, Bryan Herbert, Tom Scott, Aubrey Pollock, Sam Wilkinson, Atholl Fleming, Alf Goddard, H.G. Stoker, Jack Lester, Hal Walters, Albert Chevalier, Phyllis Morris, Andrea Malandrinos, Roy Smith, Billy Watts, Frederick Piper, Edward Ryan, Percy Parsons, Alexander Sarner

Length: 71 minutes